Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Creating a Christian Business Network

Business Covenant Network is a ministry of entrepreneurs of Abundant Life Christian Church with the purpose of serving the entrepreneurs of its church and developing business relationships that will lead to a stronger bond and community amongst the business people.
With this goal in mind, the idea of creating a business tradeshow was born. This was an event at which 50 entrepreneurs of the church were facilitated a space within the church to be able to present and market their product or service.
"It was very successful, I only brought with me product to exhibit but sold everything I had with me. We had a good number of people and were able to fulfill the objective of the event," comments Saul Contreras, leader of GEP and a business owner representing two businesses in the tradeshow. "This event opened my business eyes, and it allowed me to see the great need for more marketing."
"As Saul said, the objective of the event was fulfilled, which was to be able to market our products. I took products to exhibit, and knew that selling them would only be an extra benefit. Anyway, I was able to sell all the merchandise I was exhibiting. Many others have come to my business and bought my products," narrates Damaris Lopez, owner of the Damaris Collection jewelry.
This event was well accepted among the business community as well as the church. GEP is planning to host this tradeshow again next year, but with the goal of doubling the number of businesses present.

Business Covenant Network is one of the local affiliates of Partners Worldwide located in Tegucigalpa and working with Entrust, its Global Business Affiliate in an international mentoring program. Let's continue to keep this ministry in prayer so that more of these events and achievements may be cultivated through this tight Christian business community.
Damaris Lopez, owner of jewelry store Damaris Collection.

This is one of the representatives booths of the tradeshow sponsored by GEP.

Creando una Comunidad Empresarial Cristiana

Global de Empresarios (GEP) es un ministerio de empresarios de la Iglesia Cristiana Vida Abundante que tiene como propósito servir a los empresarios de su iglesia y desarrollar relaciones empresariales que conduzcan a crear una comunidad entre dicho grupo.
Con este objetivo nace la idea de realizar una expo feria, en la cual alrededor de 50 empresarios de la congregación tuvieron un espacio dentro de las instalaciones de la iglesia para poder presentar su producto o servicio a la comunidad .
"Fue un éxito, ya que el producto que lleve lo vendí en su totalidad. Estuvo lleno y se cumplió el objetivo del evento" nos comenta Saul Contreras, líder de GEP y propietario de  dos empresas representadas en la expo feria.  "A mí me abrió los ojos esta experiencia en la parte de negocios, y me hizo ver la necesidad de hacer mas mercadeo".
"Al igual que Saúl creo que el objetivo se cumplió, el cual era poder mercadear nuestro producto. En mi caso el producto que lleve a la feria y logre vender represento una utilidad extra a mi negocio  y posterior a la actividad  muchas personas  han visitado mi negocio y me han comprado productos" relataba Damaris Lopez, dueña de la joyería Damaris Collection.
Este evento fue bien aceptado ante la comunidad empresarial y la congregación, gracias a estos resultados  GEP tiene dentro de sus planes hacer otra expo feria el próximo año  y duplicar el número de empresas asistentes.

Global de Empresarios en Pacto es uno de los afiliados locales de Partners Worldwide ubicado en Tegucigalpa, quienes actualmente trabajan  con su afiliado global "Entrust" implementando  un programa de mentoria internacional. Continuemos llevando este ministerio en oración para que mas eventos y logros se puedan obtener a través de esta estrecha comunidad de empresarios cristianos.
Damaris Lopez, propietaria de joyeria Damaris Collection.

Este es uno de los stands que participaron en la expoferia de la GEP.