“They were brave enough to dream, and bold enough to believe they could reach their dreams,” said Daniel Espinoza, Partners Worldwide's Partnership Manager in Nicaragua. “It has been amazing to see how God put the puzzle together and blessed the Mombachito farmers with mentoring relationships and legal land ownership for the first time. This was only possible by God´s grace and the power of partnerships.”
In 2002, these farmers took the first steps on the journey to become land owners. At that time, most of them rented land and had very few opportunities to earn a consistent income—working as day laborers for big landowners in the area. The work available for Ricardo and Jenny Rodriguez, one of these farming families, depended on the cycle of seasonal crops. More often than not, they struggled to provide for their own young children.
“We were a poor and disillusioned family without hope, without a future of opportunities,” said Ricardo. “But one day a blessing came from God.”

Transformation began with a simple idea to connect the farming families with land ownership and market opportunities. Through a partnership between a local organization, the international organization World Renew, and Partners Worldwide, a Land Bank program was created to hold the title deed to properties, facilitate collections over an estimated 7-10 years required to pay of the land, and provide technical training for the farmers. The local organization also provided key technical support to the farmers throughout the early years.
An essential component was the mentoring relationships Partners Worldwide provided through a Farmer-to-Farmer partnership. In 2002, U.S. farmers from Iowa began building lasting relationships with the Nicaraguan farmers, mentoring them on business development and the challenges common to farmers everywhere. The transformation within the partnership has been a two-way street, as the Nicaraguan farmers have turned their new land into agricultural enterprises rather than just a source of food for subsistence. To this day, the U.S. farmers have walked alongside the Nicaraguan farmers, encouraging and mentoring them through their shared passion—a love for the land.
Since the partnership began, the farmers have produced high-value crops. And, after years of adversity and success, tears and laughter, the six families have paid off their land one year sooner than they originally planned. They now own their own land free and clear!

According to Espinoza, “Before the Farmer-to-Farmer partnership, the Nicaraguan farmers weren’t confident.” While most of them have a basic education, their participation in the Land Bank community, the formal agricultural training and the way that their partners walk alongside has produced a 180-degree turn, he says. “They are more secure within their decisions, negotiations, and how they do business. They’d never imagined before that they could do business. They now see themselves as businesspeople.”
In addition to growing high-value crops on their own land, Ricardo and the other farmers took full advantage of the mentoring, training, sustainable farming tools, and access to capital available through the partnership. Beyond their land, they now own essential coffee processing facilities and machinery. As a result, in 2008, the farmers started roasting and selling organic coffee beans supplied from their own farms and others in the area.
The biggest transformation is that the farmers have persevered, said Espinoza. “Perseverance is one of the keys to succeed in partnership,” he said. With the encouragement and mentoring support provided, farmers in Mombachito have realized that they most often have the answers for the problems they face―they only lacked the encouragement and support that the Partners Worldwide mentors have provided. As seen throughout the years, the farmers’ shared vision has not been in vain and their perseverance has paid off.
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